surgeon Derek McMinn of Birmingham and a team of engineers. Hip resurfacing arthroplasty covers the two surfaces of the hip joint, replacing the cartilage which covers the surfaces of the ball at the end of the thigh bone (femur) and the cup-shaped cavity (acetabulum). The joint is fitted with an anatomically shaped metal sphere which has a spike in it that penetrates the head of the femur. This prosthesis is highly engineered and made with cobalt chrome, longer lasting than a plastic cup used in a total hip replacement. However, not every patient is a suitable candidate for a BHR. The new technique has a thicker stem which only goes into the neck of the femur, as opposed to a long pin in a full hip replacement. However, BMHR can only be used when the bone quality is good. Dr Stewart, an avid cyclist and snowboarder and former Springbok hockey player, has been performing the procedure for nine years.